[March 27, 2019: Page under reconstruction after a crash]
Some examples of work citing my research in:
Political/Economic Development and Explanation
Statistics and Interpretation of Development Studies
- Gonzalo Trigo, Luis. 2015. “El debate sobre la noción de Path Dependence y su conciliación en un modelo dinámico de análisis institucional” (The debate on the concept of Path Dependence and its reconciliation with a dynamic model of institutional analysis). Revista Chilena de Derecho y Ciencia Política. Vol 6, No. 1, pp. 81-107. PDF
Geography and Political/Economic Development
- Telbisz, Tamás; Bottlik, Zsolt, Mari, László, and Kőszegi, Margit. 2014. “The impact of topography on social factors, a case study of Montenegro.” Journal of Mountain Science. Feb., Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp 131-141.
- Fekadu K., 2014. “The paradox in environmental determinism and possibilism: A literature review” Journal of Geography and Regional Planning. Vol.7(7), pp. 132-139. PDF
Student Engagement in Dissertations and Theses